Question: An Act providing for the construction of a state system of trunk line hard surface highways, providing for the issuance and sale of state bonds to create a fund for such purpose and the redemption of such bonds from motor vehicle license fees and if the revenues from such license fees are insufficient, levying a tax for such deficiency.
Question: An Act providing for the payment of equalized compensation to veterans of the war with the Central Allied Powers who were bona fide residents of the State of Washington at the time of their entry into the service, authorizing the issuance and sale of state bonds to pay such compensation and the levy of a tax to pay said bonds, appropriating the proceeds of the sale of such bonds for the payment of such compensation and expenses incident thereto, and providing penalties for violations of this act.
Question: An Act authorizing the sale and disposal of surplus electric energy by cities and towns outside their corporate limits; authorizing the construction, betterment or extension of electric plants and the acquisition and maintenance of transmission lines, distribution system and equipment necessary therefor; providing the manner and form in which accounts and reports of such sales shall be kept and made, and for the payment monthly to the State Treasurer for state purposes of a tax of five per cent of the gross receipts of such sales, and providing penalties.
Question: An Act relating to flood control, participated in by the federal and state governments; authorizing a state indebtedness of fifteen million dollars ($15,000,000.00) therefor, to be evidenced by bonds designated as “General Obligation Bonds of 1936,” and providing a sinking fund by a tax levy for their redemption; establishing a “State Flood Control Fund” and appropriating five million dollars ($5,000,000.00), or the necessary amount therefrom, to pay expenses incurred under and in carrying out the purposes of the Act.
Question: An act relating to taxation; limiting the aggregate annual rate of levy on real and personal property for state, county, city or town, school district and road district purposes to forty mills; limiting the levy for the state to two mills to be used exclusively for the support of the University of Washington, Washington State College and the Normal Schools; limiting the levy by counties, cities and towns, school districts and road districts to certain designated maximums; excepting port or power districts from the operation of the act; and providing that additional levies may be made as therein provided.
Question: An Act relating to taxation; limiting the aggregate annual rate of levy on real and personal property for state, county, city or town, school district and road district purposes to forty mills; limiting the levy for the state to two mills to be used exclusively for the support of the University of Washington, Washington State College and the State Colleges of Education; limiting the levy by counties, cities and towns, school districts and road districts to certain designated maximums; excepting port or power districts from the operation of the act; and providing that additional districts from the operation of the act; and providing that additional levies may be authorized as in the act provided.
Question: AN ACT providing tor the issuance and sale of state general obligation bonds up to forty million dollars for the purpose of furnishing funds for state assistance in providing public school plant facilities.
Question: AN ACT providing for the issuance and sale of state general obligation bonds up to twenty million dollars for the purpose of providing buildings at the state operated charitable, educational and penal institutions.
Question: AN ACT providing for the issuance and sale of state general obligation bonds up to twenty million dollars for the purpose of providing buildings at state institutions of higher learning.
#10 (bond issue/state operated institutions and higher learning)
Question: BUILDING BONDS FOR STATE INSTITUTIONS An Act providng for the issuance and sale of state general obligation bonds up to twenty-five million dollars for the purpose of providing buildings at the state operated charitable, educational and penal institutions and at state supported institutions of higher learning.
Question: An Act Providing for the issuance and sale of state general obligation bonds in an amount not exceeding $10,000,000 to acquire land and appurtenances for outdoor public recrational use, and providing that one-half of the proceeds from existing corporation fees collected by the state be deposited in a fund for payment of principal and interest on the bonds, subject to existing charges on such proceeds.
Question: An Act Authorizing the issuance and sale of state limited obligation bonds in an amount not exceeding $59,000,000; appropriating the proceeds for state matching funds for constructing public school plant facilities, and pledging for payment of principal and interest on the bonds a portion of existing motor vehicle excise tax revenues, subject to amounts previously pledged for payment of principal and interest on bonds heretofore issued.
Question: An Act Providing for the issuance and sale of state general obligation bonds up to $4,600,000 to finance construction of a state correctional institution in King County (replacing Luther Burbank and Martha Washington schools) for care, confinement and rehabilitation of boys and girls committed by juvenile courts to the custody of the department of institutions; and providing payment of the bonds from unpledged retail sales tax revenue or other means authorized by the legislature.
Question: An Act Authorizing the issuance and sale of state general obligation bonds in the sum of $16,500,000; providing for payment of the bonds from unpleged retail sales tax revenues or other means authorized by the legislature; appropriating proceeds therefrom for state matching funds for constructing public school plant facilities; and authorizing the State Board of Education to make certain contingent allocations of funds for public school construction.
Question: An act authorizing the issuance and sale of state general obligation bonds in the sum of $40,575,000; appropriating proceeds therfrom to finance certain specified capital improvements for the state institutions of higher education, the department of institutions, the department of natural resources, and other state agencies; and providing for payment of the bonds from unpledged retail sales tax revenue or other means authorized by the legislature.
Question: An act relating to congressional districts, revising and redefining the boundaries of the first, second, third, fourth, sixth and seventh United States congressional districts of the State of Washington, allocating to each such district one representative in the congress of the United States; and repealing existing congressional districting and apportionment laws in conflict therewith.
#17 (bond issue/water pollution control facilities)
Question: An Act providing for the issuance and sale of state general obligation bonds in an amount not exceeding $25,000,000 to finance grants by the pollution control commission to public bodies, in conjunction with federal grants authorized pursuant to the federal water pollution control act, for the purpose of aiding in the construction and improvement of water pollution control facilities; providing for payment of the bonds from unpledged retail sales tax revenue or other means authorized by the legislature; and appropriating $9,000,000 to the pollution control commission for the above described purposes during the present biennium.
Question: An Act authorizing the issuance and sale of state general obligation bonds in an amount not exceeding $40,000,000 to finance the acquisition and development of outdoor recration areas and facilities. The act directs the Interagency Committee for Outdoor Recration to allocate half of the money so raised to state agencies for such acquisition and development as the legislature may direct and the other half to local public bodies for acquisition and development of outdoor recreation areas and facilities within their jurisdictions. Payment of the bonds will come from unpledged retail sales tax revenues or other means authorized by the legislature.
Question: An Act authorizing the issuance and sale of state general obligation bonds in an amount not exceeding $63,059,000; appropriating the proceeds to finance various building projects for the Department of General Administration, the Department of Institutions, and certain state institutions of higher education; and providing for payment of the bonds from unpledged retail sales tax revenues or such other means authorized by the legislature.
Question: An act permitting the termination of pregnancy when performed: (1) By or under the supervision of a licensed physician; (2) within four lunar months after conception upon a woman not quick with child who has resided in this state for at least ninety days prior to termination; (3) with the woman’s consent and that of her husband, if she is residing with him, or if unmarried and under eighteen years of age, with her consent and that of her legal guardian; and providing that no objecting hospital, physician or other person shall be required to participate in a termination of pregnancy.
Question: An act amending a law approved by the voters in 1968 which authorized the sale of $40,000,000 in bonds for the acquisition and development of outdoor recreation areas and facilities; deleting a requirement in the original act that these bonds be sold prior to January 1, 1975; removing the 6% maximum interest rate payable on said bonds and substituting therefor a provision that the state finance committee shall fix the maximum interest rate.
Question: An act amending a law approved by the voters in 1968 which authorized the sale of $63,059,000 in bonds to finance various building projects for institutions, general administration and certain higher education facilities; deleting a requirement in the original act that these bonds be sold prior to January 1, 1972; removing the 6% maximum interest rate payable on said bonds and substituting therefor a provision that the state finance committee shall fix the maximum interest rate.
Question: An act amending the law approved by the voters in 1968 which authorized the sale of $25,000,000 in bonds for aid in the construction and improvement of water pollution control facilities; deleting the requirement in the original act that these bonds be sold prior to January 1, 1971; removing the 6% maximum interest rate payable on said bonds and substituting therefor a provision that the state finance committee shall fix the maximum interest rate.
Question: An ACT regulating legislative lobbying; amending a prior 1967 act relating thereto; continuing to require registration of lobbyists but specifically defining lobbying as attempting to influence, through direct contact with state legislators, the passage or defeat of any legislation; requiring lobbyists to file itemized and detailed reports of lobbying expenditures during legislative sessions; transferring general responsibility for enforcement from the attorney general to the Senate and House Boards of Ethics; authorizing these boards to direct the attorney general to exercise certain enforcement powers; and replacing present criminal penalties with civil remedies including damages and injunctions against lobbyists and other violators.
Question: REGULATING CERTAIN ELECTORAL CAMPAIGN FINANCING An act regulating certain campaign contributions and expenditures; requiring organizational statements to be filed by campaign organizations; providing for reports of contributions over $100 and expenditures over $25 for or against candidates or ballot propositions from organizations other than those attempting to influence the success of two or more candidates (defined as “political committees”); prohibiting anonymous contributions exceeding $10 and the division of larger contributions to conceal their sources; directing candidates to subscribe to a code of fair campaign practices; limiting campaign expenditures; requiring reports of political advertising by commercial advertisers; and subjecting designated violators to criminal penalties.
Question: BONDS FOR WASTE DISPOSAL FACILITIES An ACT authorizing the issuance and sale of state general obligation bonds in the sum of $225,000,000 to provide funds for the planning, acquisition, construction, and improvement of public waste disposal facilities; designating the State Department of Ecology as the agency responsible for disbursement of the bond proceeds, subject to prior legislative appropriations; and providing for payment of the bonds from unpledged state retail sales tax revenues or other means authorized by the legislature.
Question: BONDS FOR WATER SUPPLY FACILITIES An ACT authorizing the issuance and sale of state general obligation bonds in the sum of $75,000,000 to provide funds for the planning, acquisition, construction, and improvement of water supply facilities; designating the state department of ecology as the agency responsible for disbursement of the bond proceeds, subject to prior legilative appropriations; and providing for payment of the bonds from unpledged state retail sales tax revenues or other means authorized by the legislature.
Question: BONDS FOR PUBLIC RECREATION FACILITIES An ACT authorizing the issuance and sale of state general obligation bonds in the sum of $40,000,000 to provide funds for the planning, acquisition, preservation, development, and improvement of recreation areas and facilities; designating the interagency committee for outdoor recreation to be responsible for disbursement of the bond proceeds, subject to prior legislative appropriations; and providing for payment of the bonds from unpledged state retail sales tax revenues or other means authorized by the legislature.
#29 (bond issue/health and social service facilities)
Question: HEALTH, SOCIAL SERVICE FACILITY BONDS An ACT authorizing the issuance and sale of state general obligation bonds in the sum of $25,000,000 to provide funds for planning, acquisition, construction, and improvement of health and social service facilities; designating the department of social and health services to be responsible for disbursement of the proceeds, subjec to prior legislative appropriations; and providing for payment of the bonds from unpledged state retail sales tax revenues or other means authorized by the legislature.
Question: BONDS FOR PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENTS An ACT authorizing the issuance and sale of state general obligation bonds in the sum of $50,000,000 to provide funds for the planning, acquisition, construction, and improvement of public transportation systems; designating the state department of highways as the agency responsible for disbursement of the bond proceeds, subject to prior legislative appropriations; and providing for payment of the bonds from unpledged state retail sales tax revenues or other means authorized by the legislature.
Question: BONDS FOR COMMUNITY COLLEGE FACILITIES An ACT authorizing the issuance and sale of state general obligation bonds in the sum of $50,000,000 to provide funds for the acquisition, construction and improvement of community college facilities; designating the state board for community college education as the agency responsible for disbursement of the bond proceeds, subject to prior legislative appropriations; and providing for payment of the bonds from unpledged state retail sales tax revenues or other means authorized by the legislature.
Question: Shall county auditors be required to appoint precinct committeemen of major political parties as deputy voting registrars upon their request?
Question: Shall $125 million in state general obligation bonds be authorized for planning, acquisition, construction and improvement of water supply facilities?
Question: Shall $450,000,000 in state general obligation bonds be authorized for planning, designing, acquiring, constructing and improving public waste disposal facilities?
Question: Shall state officials continue challenges to the federal selection process for high-level nuclear waste repositories and shall a means be provided for voter disapproval of any Washington site?
Question: Shall property taxes be limited by modifying the 106 percent limit, allowing property valuation increases to be spread over time, and reducing the state levy?
Question: Shall a public stadium authority be authorized to build and operate a football/soccer stadium and exhibition center financed by tax revenues and private contributions?
Question: Shall motor vehicle excise taxes be reduced and state revenues reallocated; $1.9 billion in bonds for state and local highways approved; and spending limits modified?
Question: The Legislature has passed House Bill No. 2969, financing transportation improvements through transportation fees and taxes. This bill would increase highway capacity, public transportation, passenger and freight rail, and transportation financing accountability through increased fuel excise taxes, sales taxes on vehicles, and weight fees on trucks and large vehicles. Should this Bill be Approved or Rejected?