Question: An Act prohibiting the manufacture, sale, or other disposition of intoxicating liquors, except in certain cases; regulating the keeping, use and transportation of the same; providing for the enforcement of this act; and fixing punishments and penalties for the violation thereof.
Question: An act relating to corporations, copartnerships, associations and persons engaged in the business of dealing in lands, stocks, bonds and other securitites, to prevent fraud and imposition in the sale of the same, and tranferring to the public service commission all authority vested in the secretary of state in respect to corporations.
Question: An act abolishing the bureau of inspection and supervision of public offices, vesting in the state auditor all the powers and duties of such bureau, and requiring the state auditor to prepare a balance sheet showing the operations, transactions, receipts and expenses of each department and institution of the state.
Question: An act to prohibit the collection of remuneration or fees from workers for the securing of employment or furnishing information leading thereto, and providing a penalty for violation thereof.
Question: An act providing for the payment of the cost of medical, surgical and hospital treatment, nursing, supplies, and other expenses of workmen injured in extra-hazzardous employments, by the employer to the amount of one hundred dollars, any excess to be paid by the industry, providing for arbitration of disputes, prohibiting certain deductions from wages, and imposing duties upon the industrial insurance department.
Question: An act providing for the employment of all convicts upon public highways except in certain cases, authorizing the payment of certain sums to dependent families of such convicts, creating a state road fund, providing a tax levy of not to exceed one-half mill therefor, transferring the public highway fund thereto, and making an appropriation of two million dollars for carrying out the provisions of this act.
Question: An act prohibiting employers form requiring or permitting employees to work more than eight hours in any day of twenty-four hours, except in agricultural labor and cases of emergency; providing for extra cempensation for over-time; and fixing a penalty for the violation thereof.
Question: An act authorizing the manufacture, sale and delivery of beer containing not less than one per cent. Nor more than four per cent. alcohol, for export or sale and delivery direct to individuals within the state for consumption at their residences, and regulating the same; providing a system for licensing and bonding manufacturers, the payment of license fees, and the collection and disposition of a tax upon the amount sold for consumption within the state; fixing penalties and making an appropriation.
Question: An Act providing for a current state school fund sufficient to produce $30.00 for each child of school age; for the distribution of state and county school funds to school districts upon the equal basis of attendance and teachers employed; and fixing the maximum annual tax levy of school districts, except for bonded indebtedness, at 1.7 per cent of the assessed value of the taxable property thereof.
Question: An Act relating to the taxation of real and personal property and limiting the aggregate annual rate of levy thereon for general state, county, municipal and school district purposes to 40 mills.
Question: An Act authorizing cities and towns to purchase, sell and dispose of electric current, inside or outside their corporate limits, without the payment of any tax thereon; authorizing the acquisition, construction, operation and maintenance of facilities in connection therewith, and authorizing cities and towns to condemn private property, including the right to use and damage railroads, not common carriers, booming, rafting and sorting works, for such purposes.
Question: An Act enacted by the people of the State of Washington, relating to, and providing for the number, districts and apportionment of, the members of the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Washington, and repealing all acts and parts of acts in conflict therewith.
Question: An Act providing for the Permanent Registration of Voters, defining the duties of certain officers in connection therewith, repealing certain acts and parts of acts in relation thereto and prescribing penalties.
Question: An Act relating to intoxicating liquors; amending the statute relating to the sale thereof to minors, but continuing in force the provision that such sales shall be a felony; repealing certain statutes relating to intoxicating liquors and to the importation, receipt, purchase, transportation, manufacture, gift, exchange, possession, use, sale and disposition thereof, and providing that such repeals shall not have the effect of reviving or making effective any law providing for the licensing and operation of saloons.
Question: An Act relating to wild animals, wild birds and game fish and providing for state control and regulation thereof; creating a state department of game, providing for the appointment of certain officers in connection therewith and defining their powers and duties; amending chapter 7, Laws of 1921, and chapter 178, Laws Extraordinary Session of 1925, and repealing certain acts and parts of acts.
Question: An Act relating to the taxation of real and personal property and limiting the aggregate annual rate of levy thereon for general state, county, municipal and school district purposes to 40 mills.
Question: An Act relating to and requiring the payment of a graduated tax on the incomes of persons, firms, corporations, associations, joint stock companies and common law trusts, the proceeds therefrom to be placed in the state current school fund and other state funds, as a means of reducing or eliminating the annual tax on general property which now provides revenues for such funds; providing penalites for violation; and making an appropriation from the general fund of the state treasury for paying expenses of administration of the act.
Question: An Act relating to fishing; prohibiting the use of fish traps or other fixed appliances for catching salmon and certain other fish within the waters of the State of Washington; prohibiting the taking or fishing for salmon and certain other fish within a certain area therein defined and created by any means except by trolling, regulating trolling in such area, and permitting the operation of gill nets therein under certain conditions; providing for open and closed seasons, prohibiting drag seines and limiting the length of gill nets in the Columbia River; prescribing penalties; and repealing all laws in conflict therewith.
Question: An Act relating to taxation: limiting the aggregate annual rate of levy on real and personal property for state, county, city or town, school district and road district purposes to forty mills; limiting the levy by the state to two mills to be used exclusively for the support of the University of Washington, Washington State College and the Normal Schools, limiting the levy by counties, cities and towns, school districts and road districts to certain designated maximums; excepting port districts from the operation of the act; and providing that additional levies may be made as therein provided.
Question: An act establishing a civil service system for the state, and for the counties, cities, prots, school and park districts, and public libraries of the state; providing for the appointment of civil service commissions therefor and a civil service system based upon examination, meritorious standard, efficiency and fitness for appointment, employment and promotion of all employees in the classified service of the state and such municipal subdivisions thereof; and regulating the transfer, reinstatement, suspension and discharge of all such employees subject thereto.
Question: An Act relating to taxation; limiting the aggregate annual rate of levy on real and personal property for state, county, city or town, school district and road district purposes to forty mills; limiting the levy by the state to two mills to be used exclusively for the support of the University of Washignton, Washington State College and the Normal Schools; limiting the levy by counties, cities and towns, school districts and road districts to certain designated maximums; excepting port districts from the operation of the act; and providing that additional levies may be made as therein provided.
Question: An act relating to old age pensions, creating a state department therefor, defining its powers and duties; designating persons entitled to pensions and the amount thereof; providing taxes for sole payment of pensions, on business and occupations, sales of stocks and bonds, public utilities, admissions, fuel oil, proprietary medicines, toilet preparations, inheritances, gifts, and making appropriations therefrom; amending section 9, chapter 176, Laws of 1935, and repealing chapter 182, Laws of 1935, providing for old age pensions, and all acts or parts of acts in conflict therewith.
Question: An act creating Production for Use Districts to manufacture, grow, buy and otherwise acquire goods, wares, commodities and products, to furnish services of every nature except electricity and water, and establishing a State Production for use Commission to purchase or otherwise acquire such products and services; authorizing a tax levy, exercise of eminent domain, issuance of certificates of exchange, general obligation and revenue bonds, creating a revolving fund and appropriating ten million dollars therefor; amending section 1 of chapter 95 of the Laws of 1933, relating to nomination of district commissioners, and repealing acts or parts thereof inconsistent therewith.
Question: An act providing for a non-partisan ballot and relating to the manner of the nomination and election thereby of the Superintendent of Public Instruction of the state and the County Superintendent of Schools of the various counties thereof.
Question: An act limiting to 40 mills the aggregate annual levy on real and personal property for all purposes; limiting the levy by the state to 2 millls, provided that the legislature may omit this levy, in which case it may increase the permitted levy by cities or towns; limiting the levy by counties, cities and towns, school districts and road districts to certain designated maximums; exempting port districts and power districts from its operation and providing that additional levies may be made by election.
Question: A measure relating to employment; providing for the service of written demands upon the employer; providing that a majority vote of the employees concerned cast in a prescribed manner shall be necessary before a strike may be called; making provisions concerning lockouts; and providing penalties.
Question: An Act requiring voters’ approval of bonds, securities, or other financial obligations to be issued, assumed, or incurred by any public utility district for the purpose of financing the acquisition of property for use in supplying public utility service, and of the proposed plan or system pursuant to which such property is to be acquried and used; providing for the manner of submitting such propositions to the voters at elections; specifying the minimum vote required on such propositions; and making similar provision for pending condemnation actions or proceedings to acquire such property before incurring indebtedness.
Question: An Act providing a minimum of $40 monthly to senior citizens over the age of 65 years; defining incomes; naming eligibility; conforming state and federal matching funds and age limit; providing for age and length of residence; providing for the investigation of applicants by either the Department of Social Security or other department designated by the legislature; providing for a fair hearing before the director and for appeals to the courts and introduction of new testimony; providing for burial expenses and other care; making all records confidential; abolishing liens on propery; repealing all other acts in conflict herewith.
Question: An Act relating to old age assistance and public assistance; providing payment of $40.00 minimum monthly grants to eligibles as defined herein; providing medical services, additional care and burial expenses for all recipients of public assistance and dependents, defined herein, and supplemental grants to dependents; providing increase of all public assistance proportionate to increased living costs; providing conformity with future federal requirements; defining terms and establishing procedure; prohibiting assignment or legal process respecting grants; regulating administrative plan and personnel; directing appropriations, beyond total federal matching funds secured; penalizing violators; repealing Chapter 1, Laws of 1941, and conflicting enactments.
Question: An act relating to Social Security and Unemployment Compensation; creating a Washington State Social Security Board and establishing a Washington State Social Security System; extending unemployment compensation benefits to include war veterans and certain governmental employees; enlarging, generally, the scope of unemployment benefits; liberalizing grants to the blind and senior citizens; directing a survey of cost and availability of medical care; prescribing duties of certain officers; defining certain terms; making an appropriation; repealing acts and parts of acts in conflict therewith and establishing effective dates.
Question: An act relating to revenue and taxation; providing for the levy and collection of a three per cent tax on gross income; providing for certain exemptions and deductions; providing for the disposition of revenue derived hereunder; prescribing monthly payments of not less than sixty dollars to certain aged, blind, disabled or widowed persons from an Employment and Retirement Mutual Insurance Fund, herein created; prescribing duties of officers and procedure in relation hereto; regulating disposition of payments by beneficiaries; defining terms and prescribing penalties.
Question: An act relating to public utility districts; requiring the approval of voters thereof as a prerequisite to acquisition of any operating electrical utility properties or adoption of a plan therefor by any such district; requiring voters’ approval of bonds or indebtedness in connection therewith; providing for the calling of elections for such purpose; prescribing the manner in which resolutions for such acquisition or for adoption of plans therefor may become effective; subjecting acquisition of properties pursuant to pending proceedings and contracts to approval under this act; providing for liberal construction and repealing inconsistent acts.
Question: An act providing for the payment of additional compensation to veterans of World War II; establishing administrative procedures; authorizing the issuance and sale of state bonds and allocating the revenues thereof to a compensation fund; providing for the retirement of the bonds through the proceeds of a tobacco tax; making an appropriation and providing penalties.
Question: An act providing for the regulation and control of the sale of intoxicating liquor by the drink; restricting licenses to restaurants, hotels, clubs, certain places on trains, boats and airplanes, and qualified tourist establishments; limiting such licenses to one for each fifteen hundred (1500) of population; prescribing license fees up to one thousand dollars ($1,000) per annum and surety bond of ten thousand dollars ($10,000) for payment of penalties; providing terms of office for liquor board members, with removal for cause only; distributing such license fees to the State College and University for medical and biological research; defining terms and repealing conflicting acts.
Question: An act relating to Citizens’ Security, providing a minimum standard of living of sixty dollars ($60) a month for needy Senior Citizens and needy Blind, establishing uniform standards for eligibility and amounts of assistance for all categories of public assistance, providing for additional care and funeral benefits, providing for administrative procedures and conformance with Federal Social Security laws, abolishing liens, repealing certain acts and parts of acts in conflict herewith, and appropriating six million five hundred thousand dollars ($6,500,000).
Question: AN ACT increasing to sixty-five dollars ($65.00) monthly the minimum grant to certain categories of public assistance, otherwise extending the Social Security program, and making a appropriation.
Question: An act modifying the Citizens Securtiy Act of 1948 (initiative Measure No. 172) and transferring the public assistance medical program to the Department of Health.
Question: RAISING STANDARDS FOR CHIROPRACTIC EXAMINATIONS An act raising the educational requirements for a license to practice chiropractic; establishing a Board of Chiropractic Examiners; adding to the chiropractic examination the subjects of chemistry and pathology and transferring jurisdiction for examination of chiropractic applicants from the Basic Sciences Examining Committee to the Board of Chiropractic Examiners.
Question: REGULATION OF COMMERCIAL SALMON FISHING An act relating to salmon fishing for commercial purposes; defining districts wherein it is unlawful to fish commercially for salmon, except during prescribed seasons which the director may shorten; establishing preserves in which salmon fishing for commercial purposes is prohibited; prohibiting the construction, installation, use, operation or maintenance of certain specified gear or any fixed applicances for the purposes of catching salmon; authorizing seizures without warrants by certain officials; prescribing penalties; and repealing all laws in conflict herewith.
Question: STATEWIDE DAYLIGHT SAVINGS TIME An act providing that at two o’clock antemeridian Pacific Standard Time of the last Sunday in April each year the time of the State of Washington shall be advanced one hour, and at two o’clock antemeridian Pacific Standard Time of the last Sunday in September in each year the time of the State of Washington shall, by the retarding of one hour, be returned to Pacific Standard Time.
Question: An act to prohibit television advertising of alcoholic beverages between the hours of 8 a.m. and 10 p.m.; declaring the use, sale and advertising of such beverages to be a matter of public policy; providing penalties for the violation of this act and repealing all acts in conflict therewith.
Question: AFFECTING EMPLOYER-EMPLOYEE RELATIONS An act defining the terms “employer” and “labor organization” and declaring unlawful certain agreements and practices relating to membership in such an organization, payments to such an organization as a condition of employment, discrimination and coercion in connection with employment, and providing civil actions and criminal penalties for violations.
Question: LEGISLATIVE REAPPORTIONMENT AND REDISTRICTING An act relating to the state legislature and legislative districts; defining forty-nine senatorial and representative districts; creating three new legislative districts; providing for the number and apportionment of the members of the legislature; increasing the membership of the state senate by three members; substituting census tracts as established by the United States Bureau of the Census for precincts as the basic geographical units from which legislative districts are formed; combining such census tracts to form newly created districts and to change the boundaries and population of some existing districts; and repealing certain acts in conflict therewith.
Question: RESTRICTING LABOR AGREEMENTS An act declaring void any agreement hereafter made or extended which requires membership in or payment to a labor organization as a condition of employment.
Question: An Act Relating to spirituous liquor licenses, making taverns eligible for a new class of license allowing the sale of spirituous liquors including mixed drinks and cocktails, providing for regulation, fees and disbursements thereunder.
Question: An Act, Entitled “The State Civil Service Law,” relating to state government; establishing a civil service system for state employees; defining employees included and excluded; providing that appointments and promotions in the classified civil service shall be based solely on merit and fitness; governing appointment, promotion, transfer, layoff, recruitment, retention, classification and pay plan, removal, discipline and welfare of civil service employees, agreements regarding grievance procedures and collective negotiations, and other incidents of employment; blanketing-in certain employees; prohibiting certain activities; creating a revolving fund; abolishing existing personnel system; and repealing or amending inconsistent laws.
Question: An Act Relating to property; authorizing joint tenancies in real and personal property with common law incidents of survivorship and severability; allowing property rights of a deceased joint tenant to pass immediately upon death to the surviving joint tenant; prescribing methods and requirements for the creation of joint tenancies; providing that the transfer of property to surviving joint tenants shall not derogate from the rights of creditors; and repealing existing laws which abolished the right of survivorship as an incident of joint tenancies or tenancy by the entireties.
Question: An Act Providing that at two o’clock antemeridian Pacific Standard Time of the last Sunday in April each year the time of the State of Washington shall be advanced one hour, and at two o’clock antemeridian Pacific Standard Time of the last Sunday in September in each year the time of the State of Washington shall, by the retarding of one hour, be returned to Pacific Standard Time.
Question: An Act Providing for the use of monies, derived from existing motor vehicle fuel taxes paid by purchasers of fuel used in watercraft and not reclaimed by them as presently allowed by law, for the acquisition or improvement of land on fresh or salt water for marine recreational purposes. The act provides methods for determining the proportion of motor vehicle fuel tax paid for marine fuel, and it provides for distributing the unreclaimed monies one-half to the state and one-half to local government units. The act also creates a committee for outdoor recreation and makes appropriations.
Question: An Act relating to revenue and taxation and providing for the allocation and distribution of one-tenth of the state collected retail sales tax and use tax revenues to cities and towns to provide for public safety, law enforcement, fire protection, public health, and for park and recreation services.
Question: An Act repealing an existing statute which declares it to be a crime (misdemeanor) for any person, on the first day of the week (Sunday) to promote any noisy or boisterous sport or amusement; conduct or carry on all but certain designated trades or manufacturing activities; or open any drinking saloon; or sell or offer for sale any except certain designated items of personal property.
Question: An act regarding train crew requirements in the railroad industry; repealing a statute which prohibits operating freight trains having twenty-five or more cars with a crew of less than six, or light engines with a crew of less than three, outside yard limits and where more than two trains per day operate over the same line or part thereof; prohibiting the state from preventing railroads from manning freight trains in accordance with collective bargaining agreements or any national or other settlement of train crew size; and declaring that the size of passenger train crews shall not be affected thereby.
Question: An Act providing that any person operating a motor vehicle on the public highways shall be deemed to have consented to a breath test (if unconscious a blood test) to determine intoxication, when arrested for any offense, provided the arresting officer has reasonable grounds to believe such operator was driving or in control of a vehicle with intoxicate; directing a six-month revocation of driving privileges for a person refusing such test after having been advised of his rights and consequences of refusal; providing hearing and appeal procedures; and reducing the blood alcohol percentage necessary to raise a presumption of intoxication.
Question: An Act amending the present state law regulating retail installment sales of goods and services by reducing the maximum amount which may be legally assessed as a service charge in connection with retail installment transactions from 18% per year computed monthly on the unpaid balance (1-1/2% per month) to 12% per year computed monthly (1% per month); reducing from $15.00 to $10.00 the alternative service charge that may be assessed on a retail installment contract notwithstanding the 12% maximum; and eliminating two other methods of computing service charges on such contracts which are permitted under the present law.
Question: An initiative declaring that existing taxes imposed by the state of Washington shall not be increased and that no new or additional taxes shall be imposed by the state of Washington.
Question: An act prohibiting the sale or distribution of beer or any other malt beverage, or of any nonalcoholic mineral water, soda water, or other carbonated or uncarbonated beverage (commonly known as soft drinks) for consumption in this state in cans, bottles, jugs, tubs, vessels or other receptacles not having a refund value of at least five cents for each such container.
Question: An ACT authorizing each city with a population over 150,000 to grant one franchise permitting greyhound racing meets; prescribing qualifications for franchises; authorizing parimutuel wagering; allowing franchisees ten percent of all moneys wagered; requiring payment of a tax of five percent of parimutuel machine gross receipts in lieu of all other taxes to the licensing city; authorizing the licensing city to pay not to exceed two and one-half percent of the net tax after subtracting costs to the county; and repealing inconsistent acts.
Question: An ACT repealing existing statutes relating to the establishment and operation of state liquor stores; extending the state sales tax to sales of intoxicating liquor at retail; providing for the licensing of retailers of liquor and for the registration of each brand or label of liquor to be sold; and prohibiting the state of Washington from reselling any liquor either at retail or wholesale.
Question: An ACT relating to campaign financing, activities of lobbyists, access to public records, and financial affairs of elective officers and candidates; requiring disclosure of sources of campaign contributions, objects of campaign expenditures, and amounts thereof; limiting campaign expenditures; regulating the activities of lobbyists and requirng reports of their expenditures; restricting use of public funds to influence legislative decisions; governing access to public records; specifying the manner in which public agencies will maintain such records; requiring disclosure of elective officials’ and cadidates’ financial interests and activities; establising a public disclosure commission to administer the act; and providing civil penalties.
Question: Shall public educational authorities be prohibited from assigning students to other than the nearest or next-nearest school with limited exceptions?
Question: Shall Washington ban the importaion and storage of non-medical radioactive wastes generated outside Washington, unless otherwise permitted by interstate compact?
Question: Shall Congress be petitioned to decommercialize steelhead, and state policies respecting Indian rights and managemnt of natural resources be enacted?
Question: Shall the state minimum wage increase from $2.30 to $3.85 (January 1, 1989) and then to $4.25 (January 1, 1990) and include agricultural workers?
Question: Shall state growth and environmental protection goals be implemented by measures including local comprehensive land use planning and development fees?
Question: Shall there be limitations on terms of office for Governor, Lieutenant Governor, State Legislators, and Washington State members of Congress?
Question: Shall state revenue collections and state expenditures be limited by a factor based on personal income, and certain revenue measures repealed?
Question: Shall persons other than dentists be licensed to make and sell dentures to the public, as regulated by a new state board of denture technology?
Question: Shall state fishing regulations ensure certain survival rates for nontargeted catch, and commercial and recreational fisheries be prioritized?
Question: Shall the secretary of state be instructed to place a ballot notice concerning congressional and legislative candidates who have not supported Congressional term limits?
Question: Shall amended tribal/state agreements be authorized permitting limited electronic gaming on Indian lands for tribal government purposes, with joint regulation and specified use of revenues?
Question: Shall health insurance plans be regulated as to provision of services by designated health care providers, managed care provisions, and disclosure of certain plan information?
Question: Shall the transfer of handguns without trigger-locking devices be prohibited and persons possessing or acquiring a handgun be required to obtain a handgun safety license?
Question: Shall discrimination based on sexual orientation be prohibited in employment, employment agency, and union membership practices, without requiring employee partner benefits or preferential treatment?
Question: Shall dental hygienists who obtain a special license endorsement be permitted to perform designated dental hygiene services without the supervision of a licensed dentist?
Question: Shall penalties for drug possession and drug-related violent crime be revised, medical use of Schedule I controlled substances be permitted, and a drug prevention commission established?
Question: Shall the state minimum wage be increased from $4.90 to $5.70 in 1999 and to $6.50 in 2000, and afterwards be annually adjusted for inflation?
Question: Shall the medical use of marijuana for certain terminal or debilitating conditions be permitted, and physicians authorized to advise patients about medical use of marijuana
Question: Shall the termination of a fetus’ life during the process of birth be a felony crime except when necessary to prevent the pregnant woman’s death?
Question: Shall voter approval be required for any tax increase, license tab fees be $30 per year for motor vehicles, and existing vehicle taxes be repealed?
Question: Shall commercial net, troll, and trawl fishing be prohibited in Washington state fresh and marine waters, except tribal fisheries conducted under a valid treaty right?
Question: Shall it be a gross misdemeanor to capture an animal with certain body-gripping traps, or to poison an animal with sodium fluoroacetate or sodium cyanide?
Question: Shall certain 1999 tax and fee increases be nullified, vehicles exempted from property taxes, and property tax increases (except new construction) limited to 2% annually?
Question: Shall school districts and public universities be authorized to sponsor charter public schools, independently operated, open to all students, and subject to revised state regulation?
Question: Shall public school teachers, other school district employees, and certain employees of community and technical colleges receive annual cost-of-living salary adjustments, to begin in 2001-2002?
Question: Shall 90% of transportation funds, including transit taxes, be spent for roads; transportation agency performance audits required; and road construction and maintenance be sales tax-exempt?
Question: Initiative Measure No. 747 concerns limiting property tax increases. This measure would require state and local governments to limit property tax levy increases to 1% per year, unless an increase greater than this limit is approved by the voters at an election. Should this measure be enacted into law?
Question: Initiative Measure No. 773 concerns additional tobacco taxes for low-income health programs and other programs. This measure would impose an additional sales tax on cigarettes and a surtax on wholesaled tobacco products. The proceeds would be earmarked for existing programs and expanded health care services for low-income persons. Should this measure be enacted into law?
Question: Initiative Measure No. 775 concerns long-term in-home care services. This measure would create a home care quality authority to establish qualifications, standards, accountability, training, referral and employment relations for publicly funded individual providers of in-home care services to elderly and disabled adults. Should this measure be enacted into law?
Question: Initiative Measure No. 776 concerns state and local government charges on motor vehicles. This measure would require license tab fees to be $30 per year for motor vehicles, including light trucks. Certain local-option vehicle excise taxes and fees used for roads and transit would be repealed. Should this measure be enacted into law?
Question: Initiative Measure No. 790 concerns law enforcement officers’ and fire fighters’ retirement system, plan 2. This measure would place management of the law enforcement officers’ and fire fighters’ retirement system, plan 2, in a board of trustees consisting of six plan participants, three employer representatives, and two legislators. Should this measure be enacted into law?
Question: Initiative Measure No. 841 concerns the repeal and future limitation of ergonomics regulations. This measure would repeal existing state ergonomics regulations and would direct the department of labor and industries not to adopt new ergonomics regulations unless a uniform federal standard is required.
Question: Initiative Measure No. 900 concerns performance audits of governmental entities. This measure would direct the State Auditor to conduct performance audits of state and local governments, and dedicate 0.16% of the state’s portion of sales and use tax collections to fund these audits.
Question: Initiative Measure No. 901 concerns amending the Clean Indoor Air Act by expanding smoking prohibitions. This measure would prohibit smoking in buildings and vehicles open to the public and places of employment, including areas within 25 feet of doorways and ventilation openings unless a lesser distance is approved.
Question: Initiative Measure No. 912 concerns motor vehicle fuel taxes. This measure would repeal motor vehicle fuel tax increases of 3 cents in 2005 and 2006, 2 cents in 2007, and 1.5 cents per gallon in 2008, enacted in 2005 for transportation purposes.
Question: Initiative Measure No. 920 concerns estate tax. This measure would repeal Washington’s state laws imposing tax, currently dedicated for the education legacy trust fund, on transfers of estates of persons dying on or after the effective date of this measure.
Question: Initiative Measure No. 933 concerns government regulation of private property. This measure would require compensation when government regulation damages the use or value of private property, would forbid regulations that prohibit existing legal uses of private property, and would provide exceptions or payments.
Question: Initiative Measure No. 937 concerns energy resource use by certain electric utilities. This measure would require certain electric utilities with 25,000 or more customers to meet certain targets for energy conservation and use of renewable energy resources, as defined, including energy credits, or pay penalties.
#960 (tax and fee increases imposed by state government)