Question: An Act authorizing the establishment of public utility districts; providing for the construction, purchase, condemnation, acquisition, regulation, maintenance, and operation thereby of plants, properties and facilities for the development and distribution of water and electricity for all purposes; authorizing such districts to levy taxes and to create local assessment districts for the accomplishment of said purposes, and defining the powers and duties of such public utility districts and of certain officers in connection therewith.
Question: An act relating to alcoholic liquor; to remove burdensome restrictions upon the rights of householders to purchase and keep on hand alcoholic beverages for home consumption; to authorize the manufacture and sale of malt liquor; to authorize the furnishing of alcoholic beverages to guests in hotels; to authorize the granting of licenses to brewers, to their selling agents, and to hotel keepers; to restrict and regulate the business to be carried on under such licenses; declaring violations of such restrictions to be misdemeanors, and prescribing penalties therefor.
Question: An act prohibiting the retail sale of beer and wine by any person other than the State of Washington, repealing all provisions of existing law pertaining to licensing for retail sale of beer and wine, revoking existing licenses and providing penalties.
Question: CIVIL SERVICE FOR SHERIFF’S EMPLOYEES An act providing civil service status for certain employees of the various county sheriffs; creating civil service commissions to administer the act; and setting forth their powers and duties; excepting certain employees therefrom; listing grounds for dismissal, censure or disciplining of employees within the act; forbidding sheriff’s employees to engage in any political activity or to contribute to political funds; making county commissioners responsible for funds to administer the act; and providing penalties for violations thereof.
Question: An Act Prohibiting the construction or operation of any dam or other obstruction over 25 feet high on any tributary stream of the Columbia River down stream from McNary Dam within the migration range of anadromous fish, except on the North Fork of the Lewis River and White Salmon River, and prohibiting diversion of water from such stream in such quantities as will reduce the flow below the annual average low flow without concurrent approval of the Directors of Fisheries and Game.
Question: An Act establishing a state agency to be known as the Full Employment Commission; providing for a procedure whereby timber sold by the state to any “responsible bidder” and removed from state-owned or administered lands will be branded, and will receive primary processing in a facility employing Washington residents located in the state of Washington or within fifteen miles from any boundary thereof in an abutting state, unless permission is granted by the Full Employment Commission for primary processing elsewhere based upon a finding that no reasonable market presently exists for the timber at such a facility; and establishing penalties.
#40 (litter control)
Election: November 7, 1972
Filed: August 20, 1970
Legislative Action: Alternative passed (1971E C307).
Question: STATUTORY TAX LIMITATION - 20 MILLS An ACT to limit tax levies on real and personal property by the state, and other taxing districts, except port and power districts, to an aggregate of twenty (20) mills on assessed valuation (50% of true and fair value), without a vote of the people; allowing the legislature to allocate or reallocate up to twenty (20) mills among the various taxing districts.
Question: Shall it be a consumer protection violation for doctors treating Medicare eligible patients to charge more than Medicare’s reasonable charges?
#97 (hazardous waste)
Election: November 8, 1988
Filed: August 13, 1987
Legislative Action: Alternative passed (rejected).
Question: Shall campaign contributions be limited; public funding of state and local campaigns be prohibited; and campaign related activities be restricted?
Question: Shall voters be authorized to create “renewed” school districts where nonprofit organizations may operate publicly-funded “independent” public schools with parental choice and revised state regulation?
Question: Shall government be prohibited from discriminating or granting preferential treatment based on race, sex, color, ethnicity or national origin in public employment, education, and contracting?
Question: Initiative Measure No. 330 concerns claims for personal injury or death arising from health care services. This measure would change laws governing claims for negligent health care, including restricting noneconomic damages to $350,000 (with exception), shortening time limits for filing cases, limiting repayments to insurers and limiting claimants’ attorney fees.
Question: Initiative Measure No. 336 concerns medical malpractice, including insurance, health care provider licensing, and lawsuits. This measure would require notices and hearings on insurance rate increases, establish a supplemental malpractice insurance program, require license revocation proceedings after three malpractice incidents, and limit numbers of expert witnesses in lawsuits.